
Reuse. Repair. Recycle.

When it comes to electronics, repair before recycling.


reuseEveryone wants to donate their old computers, but that introduces a huge burden on the receiving organization. Most of the time the organization ends up with huge amounts of computers they have to spend money on just to get working. This creates waste as a lot of these donated computers end up being thrown away instead of being put to use because of the cost associated with refurbishing the computer.

WeCare for our Environment and Community.

As part of our WeCare fund we refurbish recycled computers for donation or as a very low cost option for certain organizations within our community.



Repair, it is what we do and it is who we are. We wake up every morning knowing we are going to be repairing computers and helping our customers use technology to its fullest potential.

By repairing a computer instead of buying a new one you are helping reduce the amount of electronics that hit the landfill.

With electronics, always repair before recycling.




Let’s face it, technology is rapidly changing and repairing a computer is not always the best option. When it comes time to say goodbye to your beloved technology – bring it to us. We will do several very important things – protect your data by securely destroying it, reuse/refurbish if feasible and properly recycle any leftover components.

If it is electronic, we will recycle it for you – for free.

WeCare for our Environment and Community.

As part of our WeCare fund we refurbish recycled computers for donation or as a very low cost option for certain organizations within our community.